
Archive | Plaza Midwood

Plaza Midwood Spring Gallery Crawl!

Making plans for the weekend? Want to check out some art and eat some good food? Tonight, Friday, April 6, from 6 9 p.m. Plaza Midwood will host a gallery crawl on Central avenue, and through there shops and art galleries. To top it off, local photographer, Liza Cox will be showing her photographs in […]

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St. Pat’s Party in Plaza Midwood!!!

Come with your green on and ready to party!!!! You won’t want to miss this year’s St. Patty’s Day bash at PLAZA MIDWOOD’S favorite bar, Snug Harbor! Check this out: tomorrow, Saturday, March 17th from 9p.m. – 2 a.m., at Snug Harbor, located at 228 Gordon Street Charlotte, NC DJ Freaky Wack will be playing […]

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Jon Lindsay at the Visulite Theatre

Hey all you music fans! Jon Lindsay, resident of the Plaza-Midwood neighborhood, will be opening for Langhorne Slim atThe Visulite Theatre, Charlotte’s premier live music club, tonight, Wednesday, March 7th! Doors open at 8:00. Tickets are $12 if purchased before hand, and $14 at the door! So get your tickets now and be prepared to […]

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