
Community Event|Gearing up for Back to School

Getting ready for the kids to go back to school? Make it a community effort: volunteer + donate new shoes, clothing and backpacks (filled with all the learning-toolsessentials)to over 300 low-income children.

On Saturday, August 25th,Pennies 4 Hope (P4HP) of Charlotte will strive to meet the backto school needs of local low income children. In order for this eventto be a huge success,(P4HP) and Midwood Baptist Church will need your help…it MUST BE A COMMUNITY EVENT! Visit the event website to register and sign-up for your chance to service your Midwood Community! Going back to school is hard enough… imagine what it would be like to go without everything you need to make a good impression and start off the schoolyear right!

When: 8/25/2012 (Sat 11:00AM – 4:00PM)

Where: Midwood Baptist Church, 2929 Mecklenburg Avenue, Charlotte, NC 28205

Read more in the Charlotte Observer: http://events.charlotteobserver.com/charlotte_nc/events/show/275011505-back-to-school-extravaganza#storylink=cpy

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