
Plaza Midwood FALL CRAWL!!!

Plaza Midwood Fall Crawl starts this Saturday, October 29th and begins with a costume parade for the neighborhoods littlest goblins and ghouls followed by trunk-or-treating at Kilgo Church, sale of discounted tree banding supplies for neighborhood residents, music and food and lots of other activities in Midwood Park.

On October 29th, the Saturday before Halloween, join in the fight against those creepy-crawly cankerworms all while mingling with your Midwoodneighbors at the upcoming sixth annual Fall Crawl Cankerworm Festival! The Plaza Midwood Neighborhood Association has once again organized a jam-packed day of fun activities for the whole family:

Fall Crawl Schedule of Events
9 am till Noon: Treebanding supplies on sale in Midwood Park $1 per foot. Bring your own bucket for tanglefoot. Be sure and measure your trees before you buy.

11:30 am: Costume Parade Parade for Plaza Midwood kids, led by a local marching band, begins in Midwood Park.

Noon: Parade ends at Kilgo Church for TRUNK-OR-TREAT.
12:30 till 6:30 pm: Activities in Midwood Park. Food and beverage for sale
Local artists and vendors on display
Kids Fun: face painting, pumpkin painting, scarecrow stuffing, bounce house, kickball and much more!

In addition, local musicians are scheduled to perform at the Midwood Park Amphitheatre from 1:00 – 6:30 PM AND Plaza Midwoods First Annual Corn Hole Tournament will take place in the park. Autumn fun never sounded better!

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